Montag, 1. August 2011

Goat food salad - Ziegenfuttersalat

About 10 minutes from where I live there is a very romantic place, a 'pick-yourself-a-bouquet-field'. Apart from wonderful flowers one can find beans, salads, all kinds of herbs, zucchini, chard, carrots, turnips etc.
This is where I picked most of the ingredients of this summer salad, which reminded a friend of minde of a "goat's meadow" (Ziegenwiese). Initially she was a little bit worried by all the flowers I heaped on the plates - but eventually relaxed when she saw the fried tofu cubes falling on the greens...

This salad ist for 2
1/2 avocado
3 small tomatoes
4-6 sprigs of the following:
parsley, dill, mint, basil, chives, tarragon, borage (Borretsch), calendula (Ringelblume), tropaeolum (nasturtium) (Kapuzinerkresse), sorrel (Sauerampfer)


half a block of tofu (ca. 200g), cut into small cubes, tossed in soya flour and bread crumbs and deep fried in olive oil

raspberry vinegar
hazelnut oil
dandelion "honey"
salt, pepper

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